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Spring Boot on EC2

This article is about installing a Spring Boot Application on AWS using this technology stack: EC2 to run the Java program systemctl to control start/stop/restart the application Configuration of the Spring Boot application using environment variables We start from the assumption that a jar file has been created and is available on AWS S3 or some other artifact repository. Step 1: Create the EC2 Instance Prerequisites: AWS account 1 VPC - dev-vpc 1 subnet -  dev-apps-subnet I created an EC2 instance of size small with an Amazon Linux image. In that instance, I created a folder for the application and copied the jar file genova-1.0.jar containing the Spring Boot application to that folder. Step 2: Configure the Process to Run the Java Application SystemD is a Linux facility that automatically starts, restarts, and stops processes. In this case, it consists of a file in /etc/systemd/system: Also, it is possible to configure other environment variables in the file genova.conf: JAVA_HO...
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