Category Theory is one of the hot topics in computer science. There are many blogs, youtube videos and books about it. It is an elusive subject, with the potential to be the ultimate unifier of everything (math, quantum physics, social justice), to allow us to write the best possible programs and many other lofty goals. I decided to explore the field and see how it can help me. Below is a summary of 12 weeks of reading and watching presentations about Category Theory. It took me some time to select the study material. In the end I decided to use David Spivak’s book (Category Theory for Sciences, David Spivak, 2014) and the youtube recording of a 2017 workshop. These provided both a rigorous approach and a lighter version in the youtube videos. In parallel we explored other sources for a more practical perspective. The CTfS book is a systematic introduction to Category Theory, with definitions and proofs. I liked that, it is a solid foundation. The examples are mostly from math (Set, ...